While we all want our first date to go well, we sometimes do not always choose the best restaurant to eat at or the best food for our date. There are a few ways to make sure that, not only, you don’t choose a place that your date absolutely hates but cook a food that your date is either allergic to or doesn’t care for whatsoever. It can be difficult to know what types of food to avoid if you don’t know your date very well – but, if you’re a gentlemen then you have to figure these things out before you assume a restaurant that your date would love – when in reality, you’re the only one who really loves it.
The following is a list of 5 bad date foods that you should try to avoid at all cost, regardless of whether or not you like it. Some of these foods will cause heartburn, gas or will just make for a very uncomfortable environment for both you and your date. These are things to take into consideration before you make for an uncomfortable night. We all know how it is to be on a first date and feel uncomfortable – you almost don’t know what to do next!

Fast Food Restaurants
If you want to impress your date and you’re silly enough to think that you can take them to a fast food restaurant there is something wrong! In no way, shape or form is it okay for you to take someone that you’re interested in out to a fast food restaurant. I can guarantee that if you do this you won’t be called back for a second date – unless, it’s a casual time to go out to lunch on a work day you should never say that you’re going to pick them up for a date and take them to a fast food restaurant. Embarrassing!
Pizza isn’t the type of place that you’re going to want to go with your first date. It isn’t the right type of food or environment for the first time – Pizza is more of a guy’s night food or a pizza and beer night. This isn’t fitting for your first date and most girls don’t want to eat a huge piece of pizza in front of a guy that they have just met. These are things to think about before you skip on over and order an extra-large pizza with anchovies!
Although it can be fun to go on a drink date instead of a food date, you have to avoid all of the sleazy bars. There is a difference between a restaurant bar and a sports bar. Sports bars tend to be full of men with sports on the television and trash bartenders. If you do want to go on a drink date instead of a dinner date I suggest you go with a place that’s a bit classier than your usual sports bar. Your date isn’t going to feel comfortable if you take her to a place full of men!
Garlic Foods
If you’re looking to impress your date and you’re ordering a meal full of garlic, I suggest you don’t! Even a mouth full of mints and gum are not going to cover up the breath that you’re going to have if your meal consists of garlic. This is one of the biggest turn offs for women, bad breath and if you expect to kiss her at the end of the night and get turned down – do not be surprised! It’s so important to have good breath throughout a date; women are most attracted to smell and having bad breath or a bad odor is not going to help you get any closer to your date!
Ribs or Sloppy Joes
The only thing worse than bad breath, is messy food and being messy while eating. Although, this is acceptable when you’ve already gotten comfortable with the other person in the relationship it is not okay to eat a plate full of messy ribs on your first date. Your date isn’t going to be able to focus on anything else except your messy hands and your messy face. Think of this before you choose a plate full or ribs or sloppy Joes!
Now that you can stay away from these 5 bad date foods you can somewhat avoid making a fool out of yourself with someone that you may truly care about or be interested in. The main focus of a first date is simply being a gentleman. There’s plenty of time throughout a relationship for you to be a man, but for the first date it’s important that you make a better choice. Remember these rules: stay away from foods that will give you bad breath, stay away from bars full of men, stay away from any place that your ex might work!

Don’t intentionally take your new date to show off in front of your old ex. You might get someone either spitting in your food or eyeing your new date all night. Just be appropriate and a gentlemen toward your date and you may find that you’re very interested in this new person. First impression is very important and first date is more important because it gives the both of you the opportunity to connect on another level. Don’t feel pressured and have fun!