No matter who you are, you’ve masturbated and you shouldn’t deny it. It’s natural and entirely normal. It’s a part of growing up and learning about your body and sexuality. Ask any man and if they are honest they’ll admit to masturbating as a teenager in the shower, their room, or in the bathroom. So, if you are like any other average man you masturbated as a teenager and that’s okay.

Now, Does Masturbation Affect My Stamina?
Now you may be wondering, “does masturbating affect my stamina?” That’s a good question with two answers. The answers are yes and no. Masturbation can increase and decrease your stamina.
When you were a teenager did you have to rush through your special alone time to reach ecstasy? Chances are your answer is yes. This is not so much due to the fact that your parents were telling you not to do it. It is more out of embarrassment. Society has taught us that masturbation is evil and should not be practiced. So as a teenager chances are that you practiced masturbation quietly and quickly.
What does this have to do with male stamina you may ask. Well, stamina is basically the measurement of how long you can last before you finally reach your peak. Whether it’s a measurement of how far you can run, how much you can eat, or how long you can go before you orgasm, stamina is a measurement of strength. Strength is reach through training. The more you train, the stronger you become.
How Stamina is Increased
So when you think of masturbating as training, then the answer to the question is yes. It does increase stamina. However, when you think about how you trained as a teenager which was quick and quietly then the answer become no. Confused? Here is an explanation.
When you masturbate as you did as a teenager you train yourself to orgasm quickly and quietly, therefore decreasing your stamina. You have taught your body that it needs to release as fast as possible. Simply, fast masturbation equals decreased stamina.
How can you increase your stamina? It is simple. Take your time when you masturbate. Just like strength training you build stamina but testing your limits. So each time you masturbate, make yourself wait to orgasm. There are different ways to do this.

- Just as you feel the urge to explode stop masturbate and squeeze your penis just below the head until the feeling to ejaculate subsides. Wait a few seconds and then continue to masturbate. Do not withhold your orgasm more than twice; you don’t want to pass out from the intensity.
- Don’t rush yourself. Take your time and masturbate slowly. Use slow and steady strokes. Stop just as you feel yourself beginning to build. Wait until you feel your erection begin to soften and begin again.
Over time, just like lifting weights or marathon training, you will build up your stamina and therefore find yourself lasting longer in bed. You may also find that you can control when you are going to orgasm more easily. This will make your talents as a lover even more profound as you find that you can spend more quality time insuring that your partner is satisfied. No one wants a partner who only cares about themselves and doesn’t bother to make sure that they are fulfilled as well.
Your Partner
Increasing your stamina is also beneficial when you have a partner who has difficulty reaching an orgasm. Nothing is more upsetting than when you have finally reached your peak to your partner when they are just beginning to climb the hill to climax. You stop and leave them hanging because you’re finished and this is a huge turnoff. Instead, build your stamina so that you can climax with your partner. This is a great way to show your partner how important it is to them that you share this wondrous moment with them. Studies have also shown that climaxing with your partnering leads to more pleasure than climaxing alone.
So let’s recap. Masturbating can increase and decrease a man’s stamina in bed. It can increase his stamina if it is done as a strength building exercise and not just as a pleasure seeking release. It takes time a patience to build up to the level of stamina needed to be able to control when a man will orgasm. It can lead to an improved sex life with the man’s partner making him a lovemaking king in the bedroom.
Masturbating can decrease a man’s stamina in the sack when it is done frequently and quickly. This sort of technique teaches the body to get off as fast as possible before anyone gets caught doing the deed. It’s a sign of embarrassment and therefore it is a huge turn off for the man’s partner who may otherwise be turned on by watching him masturbate especially before having sexual intercourse. This sort of thinking is usually a result of the way society paints masturbation as being wicked and unhealthy.
Masturbation is a normal and healthy activity that can be practiced alone or with a partner. When done right it can lead to a great sexual strength and intense orgasms. It is a great way to improve a person’s ability to go for longer periods of time during sexual intercourse before finally achieving climax. Masturbation can decrease and increase a male’s sexual stamina.