Female dysfunction also known as the female sexual arousal disorder is the inability of a woman to reach orgasm during sexual intercourse with their partner. The two main features of a woman not being able to achieve orgasm of the libido is a lowered libido and a lack of sexual urges.
There are many women who are unable to succeed at having orgasms and believe that they are alone. However, millions of women have been diagnosed with female dysfunction. The Medical Association has stated that there are over 40 million women that are suffering from lacking the ability to achieve an orgasm.

There are several things that can cause females to suffer from sexual dysfunction. Some of these factors can include:
- Menopause
- Pregnancy
- Breast feeding
- Other psychological and physiological issues
Due to this, there are many companies that are offering female orgasm creams. The real question is do female creams improve their ability to achieve orgasm?
A Revolutionary Product
Despite that claims that female orgasm creams create orgasms, they actually do not create anything. They are designed to improve on what the woman’s body is naturally doing when she becomes sexually excited. They do succeed in helping achieve an orgasm as opposed to creating one.
How do female creams improve their ability to achieve orgasm?
The flow of blood is an extremely important factor for a woman to achieve an orgasm. The blood will assist with activating the nerve endings that are present in the vaginal area. Once these nerve endings are activated, they are more sensitive to touch and cause a better stimulation to the area.
The flow of blood is not the only important factor in a women’s ability to achieve an orgasm. A woman also needs to have proper lubrication in the vaginal area. The moisture of a woman’s vaginal area is usually a sign of their sexual arousal. However, there are medical conditions and medications, as well as life stages that cause a woman to be unable to produce a proper amount of moisture. Without lubrication, sexual intercourse can be a painful experience for both people involved.
Another common question is how do female creams improve their ability to achieve orgasm regarding the clitoris. Most men and women understand that clitoral stimulation is one of the best ways to bring their partner to climax. Female orgasm creams are able to rush blood to the clitoris. This causes it to become firmer and more sensitive. This leads to a direct effect of the amount of satisfaction a woman is able to achieve during sexual contact.

There are numerous options on the market for female orgasm creams. Some will claim that it will help a woman achieve a better orgasm, or multiple orgasms. Some of the most beneficial female creams are those that are produced from herbs. Other creams that are manufactured with chemicals can lead to allergic reactions and other side effects.
Women will usually need to do some research and study the different ingredients in creams to find the best product for their needs.
There are special female orgasm creams that are able to be prescribed by your doctor. These are usually beneficial to eliminate the lack of moisture the woman is experiencing. The prescription creams are also used to assist with balancing hormonal levels in a bloodstream.
There are various issues that can cause issues on a woman’s hormonal balance. Factors such as depression, stress, anxiety and a low fat diet can reduce the levels of testosterone and estrogen in the women’s bloodstream. There are numerous products that are designed to increase the levels of estrogen in the body. When this hormone is raised, a female’s desire to engage in sexual intercourse, as well as achieve orgasm is generally also raised.
Instant Gratification
Many people want to know do female creams improve their ability to achieve orgasm instantly. The truth is most of the gels and creams on the market have been designed to focus on the woman’s instant satisfaction. These creams are also considered topical treatments that are usually applied directly to the vaginal area and the clitoral. This is to cause the blood to flow to the area quickly.
Female orgasm cream usually contacts L-arginin. This is an amino acid that is usually found in the small quantities of the food that is already ingested. When this climax cream is applied to the area, the L-arginin causes the expansion of blood vessels.
Female orgasm creams are available in a wide variety of scents and fruity flavors. This helps to add a special element of playfulness to the act of sexual intercourse with your partner. These creams will usually work for 15 to 20 minutes and are able to be used on a daily basis. Some women have reported that it takes several uses of the female cream to notice results. Women that are still unable to achieve an orgasm with the help of female orgasm cream may have just not found the right product for their needs, or need to apply more cream, or use their product for a longer length of time.
Most Popular
Some of the most popular female orgasm creams on the market is the Viva cream. This is targeted to women who are unable to achieve orgasms through vaginal intercourse without the assistance of clitoral stimulation. The Viva cream is applied directly to the clitoris to enhance the sensation of touching.