People who have more money have more financial security (the vast majority of the time) and thus enjoy better sex and sexual health. There is one reason and one reason only: less stress. When people are worried about making ends meet and where their next meals will come from, they are too stressed out to enjoy sex. Those who have a substantial bank account can feel free and let loose so they enjoy sex more than those who do not have a large bank account.

Start Saving Your Money
If you want to have a better sex life, then, you should take the time to start saving your money. This does not mean that you cannot spend any of your money, because you do need to pay your bills. But, when you have a cushion that you can easily rely on, then you will be more relaxed and relaxed people enjoy sex so much more than people who are anxious.
Relax in Bed
Therefore, if you want a better sex life, you should begin to work on your finances. Having stable finances are not always easy to come by, but if you can live within your means and arrange to start saving money each pay check you will be able to start relaxing and enjoy time with your partner. It does not take much effort to live within your means and it can actually be very rewarding. You will not have to worry about being debt to someone and you will be able to use your money your own way, rather than having to spend money on bills that you owe to complete strangers.
Make a Plan
You do not have to be a millionaire to have a financial plan, but you should have a plan as to how you are going to use your money each day, week, month, and year. It is important to know where you money is going and if you spend more than you make, you have no control over your money. You should be aware of where your money is and trust that you have a good money manager.
Sexy Men with Money
Men who are financially stable have more fun in bed. They are tasked with performing in bed to not only satisfy their partners, but also themselves and when they are successful, they have the confidence to perform very well and enjoy their time in bed with their partners. Men who are not successful feel as if they are not worthy of sexual prowess and they can be a disappointment in bed.

Money and Power Make Men Good Lovers
Men who are financially stable feel powerful which can translate into places other than the boardroom. Powerful men make powerful lovers. It is important for a powerful man to not be overbearing though, because women will not find that attractive. But, women tend to be very attracted to men who are self-confident because they tend to ooze sexuality. So, even if you are not a powerful man with a large bank account, if you really want to draw women to you, you need to act as if you are a powerful man.
Is Money Sexy?
Powerful men do not have to dress well or even look well groomed, when they have the self-assurance that comes with being wealthy and comfortable. Now, men who are too wealthy have other things that they worry about, like their personal safety. These extremely rich men may not be the best partners in bed because they are worried about safety and whether or not people are out to do them harm. But, men who have just enough to be comfortable tend to make good partners because they have very little to worry about in their financial lives.
Enjoy Your Pay Days or Any Other Windfall
In the up and down economy of today, it is difficult for many people to have a sense of financial comfort, so if you have it, enjoy it. Even if your financial security only lasts for a few days or comes every two weeks when you get paid, take the time to enjoy it. Have great sex and feel powerful while you can, because life is about being in the moment. If you are fortunate enough to have a wonderful job where you can feel comfortable in your financial situation, then you will most likely have a better life than most people.
Enjoy Your Life
It is important to find balance between worrying about your finances and enjoying your life. If many cases, there is not much that can be done about finances other than making small changes that you can live with so you feel more confident in your day to day life. If you cannot relax about your finances, let your sex life be a relaxing part of your life so you can at least find some joy somewhere.