You might not think about being active as affecting your sex life but it really does. Not only does your activity help you feel better about yourself but it also keeps your hormones in balance so that you have an active sex drive. There are many things you body “cuts out” if you are not taking proper care of yourself, sex is just one of those things. Often a loss of sexual appetite is directly related to a stagnant lifestyle.
Work but Find Time
More than ever people have inactive work lives. Sitting in front of a computer and pushing paper does nothing to keep up your activity level. In the past, people have had to grow food, garden and do general manual labor. Even this difference can change how your sex life runs. While you might be more tired at the end of the day, you are also helping to create endorphins, which play into your happiness and your sex drive. You can mimic this if you have an inactive job by making sure you include exercise in your daily and weekly plans. You need to make sure you are making the efforts to stay active.

Weekend Activities
It can be very easy to feel so exhausted on the weekends that you just lay around and do nothing. This is not a great way to keep your sexual drive high. You should find some hobbies and activities that keep you moving. If you are doing fun things, you often don’t realize you are “working out” but yet you are and you are helping increase your testosterone level which in turn increases your sexual appetite. You will find yourself experiencing a good type of tired at the end of the day that allows you to still feel amorous.
Increased Happiness with Yourself
The more active you are, the more you do stuff that you enjoy, the more positive you are about the other areas of your life. Sex has a lot to do with your personal psychology and how you feel about yourself. If you don’t feel good about yourself you cannot enter into a sexual relationship. You have to be secure so that you can open yourself up to that type of intimacy. You increase your confidence by being happy with your body and active in your lifestyle, it makes your feel well-rounded and productive.
Work hard to stay active in your regular life and you will likely see an active, healthy sex life as well. You are more easily cajoled and tempted if you feel happy in your relationship, your life and your surroundings. Sex can be a great way to reduce stress and let go of the toxic things in your world. Your activity includes both sex and exercise. You have to take care of yourself in order to be involved in a productive sexual relationship. The very foundation of your happiness can expand if you work at having an active lifestyle and sexual presence.