Enjoying intimate relationships is not an activity that is exclusive to the young. No matter what age, a healthy sexual relationship is something that couples all over the world enjoy. In fact, many couples say sex gets much better with age. However, this does not mean that you can compare the fun you enjoyed in the bedroom during your 40’s or 20 with what you would have in your 60’s. You should definitely consider the reality that aging does affect certain elements that takes place in your bedroom, and there are some hurdles that you have to overcome. Apart from the fact that you might have to find yourself a suitable and willing partner in case you find yourself solo in your 60’s. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Changes In The Body
There are quite a few changes that take place in the bodies of men and women in their 60’s. Some men in their 60’s might suffer from Erectile Dysfunction. Older men usually find it difficult to get a complete erection and they often need up to 20 minutes or more after ejaculation before they can get another erection. Due to changes that take place in a woman’s body, she needs more time to become aroused, and she might also require vaginal lubricants to reduce the vaginal dryness that many women experience post menopause. These realities when coupled with less energy, decline in hormone levels, weight gain, stress as well as health issues often causes a decrease in the libido.
Possible Medical Conditions
Medical conditions such as erectile dysfunction could be an underlying result of stress or depression. People in their 60’s often tend to get stressed due to the changes that their body undergoes, their health condition, changes in their lifestyle as well as concerns of retirement. It is very important that older couples facing these issues discuss their problems with their doctor and seek medical help.
Some of the health issues that usually affect sex health in older couples are arthritis, chronic pain, diabetes, and heart diseases. Arthritis is a threat that looms large as we age. This condition results in sex becoming an uncomfortable activity. However, this does not have to stop an older couple from enjoying satisfying sex. These days there are drugs as well as medical procedures available that can help relieve the pain. Ample rest, warm baths, and regular exercise definitely help. Older couples can also experiment with different positions, which let them have sex without being constrained or having to worry about pain. When dealing with medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, it is very important that older couples follow their doctor’s advice.
Minimize Alcohol Consumption
Older couples need to avoid consuming too much alcohol as heavy drinking has adverse effects on the sexual health men and women. In men too much of alcohol affects the strength of their erections and in women too much alcohol is responsible for delayed orgasm. Hence, in order to enjoy fun and satisfying sex in their 60′s, it is very important that older couples do not indulge in heavy drinking. Don’t worry, a glass of wine (or two) is fine.
Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle
For couples in their 60’s it is also very important that they follow a disciplined and consistent exercise routine. This helps build their stamina and energy. Exercise should also be complemented with a healthy lifestyle choices and diet. It is advisable to drink plenty of fluids, and eat fresh organic foods while avoiding alcohol and smoking. Keeping a positive outlook and reducing stress will also help boost the libido.
If you are one of those couples who want to have a satisfying sex life in your 60’s, remember that sex is not all about the intercourse, it is also about the intimacy and paying attention to what your partner wants or needs. Be sure to try out different positions and spend a lot of time together and never to compare your sexual experiences in your 60’s to what you had in your 20’s.