Sex addiction is the obsessive relationship to fantasies, sexual thoughts or different activities engaged in by an individual even with the knowledge of the negative consequences. These thoughts, activities or fantasies occupy the life of the individual, leading to the imbalance in the overall functioning of the person in important areas of life, like marriage and work.
Shame, guilt and distress about the behaviors erode the weak self-esteem of the addict. Sexual addiction is an intimacy disorder which manifests as a compulsive cycle of ritualization, preoccupation, despair and sexual behavior. The major part of the disorder is the person’s inability to easily and quickly get involved in intimate relationships.
If you are a sex addict, it is possible to recover from this addiction with treatment. There are several reasons why some people develop sex addiction and these include sexual abuse during childhood, a lack of emotional attention from parents as children, influence of their peers and sometimes the media. Not all sex addicts are prone to becoming people who commit sex crimes although a few of them do. You may feel a sense of shame but you do not have to live this way. Here are some ways you can be free from this addiction.

Admit That You Have a Problem
The first thing you want to do is admit that your sex addiction is taking over your life and that you are hurting yourself and others. This is important because as long as you are in denial about it. The definition of a sex addict is someone that has to have sex constantly and does not feel complete without sexual activity. You do not have to feel shame about this if you have the support of family and friends. You must also desire to change because without this, treatment will not work.
Seek Professional Counseling
Because you will not be able to overcome sex addiction alone, you should seek counseling from a licensed counselor who has years of experience in treating sex addicts. Talk to the counselor about when the first signs of sex addiction started, and also mention any childhood experiences that may have led to it. The counselor will help you get to the root of the problem and you can also receive practical advice on moving past the addiction and the emotional issues that led to it.
Meet With a Support Group
If you do not live near relatives or friends, you can meet with a local support group that focuses on recovering from sex addiction. This is a good choice because you are meeting with like-minded people who want to change their lives and help others who are in the same situation. Invite fellow members to wholesome activities and exchange numbers.
Find Other Interests
Think about your talents and interests and develop new activities for yourself. For example, if you love reading and writing, attend some local writers’ workshops and meet with fellow writers. Once you practiced your writing skills for a few months, you should write letters to publishers that are seeking material from writers.
Learn What Healthy Relationships Consist Of
Another idea is to learn what a healthy relationship looks like because sex addiction distorts your view of relationships. If you hold to a religious belief, meet with some older couples in the church and ask them what makes their marriages work. If your parents had a successful marriage, talk to them about how to establish and maintain a good relationship. Read books from relationship experts.
Research Concerning Sex Addiction
According to research from the University of Florida, men have historically been the ones who were more likely to become sex addicts based on several factors but because of the Internet, more women are becoming sex addicts. In addition to this, the ages are getting younger because there is an increase in early sex addiction among high school students.
If you are a sex addict, it can become like a prison but fortunately you can break out of it. Our society has become more helpful in reaching out to those involved in sex addiction and there are more counselors who specialize in this addiction. Support groups and magazine articles exist to help you in your recovery and you do not have to feel alone.
Your family and friends may not always be understanding of your addiction and if this id your situation, call a local hotline or visit a community center that assists sex addicts with counseling, employment and a new set of friends. It may be years before you are totally free from the addiction but it will be worth it when you live a guilt-free life and your joy is restored. Above all, you will be able to put your past behind you and start over.