As we schedule our work, appointments, and children’s activities, many married couples overlook scheduling time together. One thing that they should certainly take time to schedule is sex. If you and your partner have very busy lives, there is absolutely nothing wrong with scheduling sexual activities much like you would schedule a tennis match or a yoga class. The most important part, however, is that you must stick to the schedule.
Do Not Neglect Your Partner
Too many people take advantage of their partners and they often will neglect each other, not because they are intentionally doing this, but because they are just too busy. This is why it is vital that couples take the time to schedule sex and to really stick to the schedule. Since sex is one of the benefits of being married, couples should take advantage of being able to have these intimate moments together.

Have Sex Every Night?
A few years ago, a married couple decided to have sex every single night for a year. This was reported on television and they even wrote a book about it. When married couples have sex with each other on a regular basis are closer to each other than those who do not have sex very often. This couple reported that they grew closer to each other and they looked forward to their bedtime events. They found that they became a bit more creative in bed because they had so many nights to be creative. This couple really hoped that they could inspire other couples to not only schedule sex, but to make it a point to have sex every day!
Get Closer To Your Spouse
Couples who have an active sex life are closer than couples who do not have sex. There are many couples who end up divorced because they do not have sex, especially if one partner wants sex and the other does not. To avoid problems like this, couples should have a discussion about sex before they get married. Since marriage involves being sexually faithful to each other, couples should certainly have similar wants and needs regarding sex so that their relationship will stay healthy.
Take Time To Relax
Many couples find that sex is not only a way to stay close to their partners, but they also find that it is a way to relax together. The endorphins that are released really do help couples to relax with each other. When life seems too stressful for sex, couples really need to take time to indulge in each other and have sex. The world can wait for you to have a little relaxing sex with your partner.
Send the Right Message and Show Up
When you schedule an appointment with your spouse for a night of sex, you certainly cannot skip the appointment. Taking the time to arrange the appointment is one thing, but missing it really does show your spouse what you care about. It sends the wrong message to your spouse and it shows your spouse that do not care enough to follow through on something as important as a little time with your spouse. There are a few sayings about actions and how they speak louder than words and when you do not respect your spouse enough to follow through on a simple scheduled event.
Show Your Really Do Care
Many people do not have an easy time forgiving and forgetting. If you make it a regular occurrence to neglect your spouse and not have sex together, you spouse will remember this. Some partners do not forget easily and regular actions like these certainly do add up and they can add up quickly in a person’s memory. In order to show that you care, you should always follow through on the appointments that you make with your spouse and not take advantage of the person that you are closest to in your life.
How To Miss an Appointment the Right Way
There may occasionally be some extenuating circumstances that might prevent you from making your regularly scheduled appointment with your spouse. If you normally have sex every Tuesday (for example), and you have a sick child who needs you during the regularly scheduled sex, you mostly likely will not be able to make the appointment with your spouse. But, how you handle missing the appointment will show your spouse how much you really care. Instead of just conveniently forgetting about the appointment, send your spouse a little love note about making up for missing the appointment by having two appointments the following two nights. If you miss for a good reason, make it up to your spouse in a fun and flirty way. Missing appointments do not have to be horrible things when your spouse and you know that the “make up” appointment will be just as good or even better.