Did you know that romantic music could set the mood for a good time with your partner? If you are having a sexy evening at home with your partner, you will want to set the stage. Starting the evening with a delicious dinner and extravagant drinks is one way to get the mood going. When you set the table with your best china and silver as well as great smelling candles, your intention for the evening will be very easy to read.
One more thing that you will need to do to set the stage for a romantic evening is to play romantic music. The food, candles, and dim lighting are incredibly romantic, but music seals the deal. You might be wondering why listening to romantic music helps set the mood? There are many reasons why music does it.
Stimulate the Animal Brain
One of the most important reasons why listening to romantic music sets the mood is because music helps stir the animal part of the brain. This is the part of the brain that creates the attraction between you and your partner. The beat will make you want to move your hips and get swaying with your partner.

Sexy Lyrics Makes You Feel Great
Another important part of the romantic music setting the mood is the lyrics. Most lyrics in romantic music are just as sexy as the rhythm and beat of the actual music. The lyrics will encourage the mood.
Dance to the Beat
Once you put together the lyrics and the beat, you cannot help but want to dance with your partner. Wanting to dance with your partner is the first step to having the most romantic evening.
Stimulate All of the Senses
When you are ready for a romantic evening, arranging a night that affects all of the sense is the best way to get your partner feeling sexy and romantic. If you think about what your romantic evening entails, you truly do affect the senses. The food will stir your sense of taste and smell. The candle light stirs the sense of smell and sight. The music stimulates your sense of sound. And, the sexy and romantic dancing will affect your sense of touch. That full sensory experience will be very memorable. The best part of the sensory experience is that you and your partner will remember two of the senses really well, the smell of the food and candle and the sound of the music. Those two senses are the most basic and they create the most memorable experiences.
Plan an Interactive Meal
Some memorable meals that will make a romantic evening perfect are meals like fondue or other meals that are more interactive. You certainly do not want to work too hard for your food, but there are some foods that are more enjoyable and entertaining to eat than others. You do not want to have a messy meal like lobster or tacos, but a meal that might involve dipping and sharing with each other.
Cheese fondue is not as messy as an oily fondue and cheese is something that many people love to eat. You could even make a small amount of chocolate fondue, because chocolate is full of an ingredient that actually makes people feel good about themselves. When you pair a delicious and sexy food like fondue, with a beautifully set table, romantic candles and sexy music, you cannot go wrong.
Get Dressed Up So You Can Get Dressed Down
Another way to make the evening extra special is by wearing incredibly comfortable and sexy clothes. When you and your partner come dressed for the evening, you will have an excellent night. Men can wear comfortable silky pajama pants with or without a top and women can wear sexy pajamas, too. Women should not wear lingerie for the dinner event, but she should wear something that will compliment what the man wears. If you want to wear more than just pajamas, you and your partner could get dressed up in more formal attire. While dressed up for the sexy and romantic night, you can use the romantic songs to take off your clothes to. It is pretty amazing what your favorite romantic music might inspire you to do. Move to the beat and have fun with it!
Music is the Must Have for the Night
Romantic music will stir your senses and get you into an incredibly sexy mood. Between the beat and the lyrics, you will have an incredibly romantic night with great food, great music, great smells, and great style. You cannot beat a night like this, especially if you have the children gone for the evening. If you cannot get the kids to go away, maybe you can go somewhere for your sexy, romantic night. Even if you spend a night out at a favorite hotel, be sure that you bring the romantic music, because the beat and the lyrics will make the night extremely special and romantic.