Stress can be an ugly five letter word and everyone has it. Stress is not always a bad thing but it is a rarity that it is good. Stress is a part of life. It comes to us in a varie[...]
How many times have you said to yourself “How will I ever get through this day?” Likely, you don’t want to answer that question because you know the number is quite high. The good [...]
Enjoying intimate relationships is not an activity that is exclusive to the young. No matter what age, a healthy sexual relationship is something that couples all over the world en[...]
If you are a woman, your sexual health should be taken seriously, as it is one of the things which would make your man to be committed to the relationship. The skin near this area [...]
When you are in your 50’s your life changes for good. Your priorities, the way you look at things around you, your relationships and most important of all, your body – all of them [...]
The desire for intimacy and sex in our relationships continues as we age. However, sometimes couples do tend to overlook their love life as they grow old. Due to various reasons, i[...]
All medications have side effects. Erectile dysfunction medication is no exception and there are things about the medication that can be harmful to you or your body chemistry. You [...]
Turning 40 is a huge milestone in your life. As exciting as it is, there are a lot of things that can change for you when you hit the 40 mark. While some changes are physical, othe[...]
You might not think about being active as affecting your sex life but it really does. Not only does your activity help you feel better about yourself but it also keeps your hormone[...]