Erectile dysfunction is the condition when a man cannot maintain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. It is highly common among men and probably the most frequently diagnosed sexual dysfunction. The severity of erectile dysfunction widely varies among patient. Some men lose all ability for any sort of erection while other men can only maintain an erection for a brief period of time.
There are many causes of erectile dysfunction, including heart disease, obesity, and prostate cancer. One leading cause is alcohol consumption. The one or two drinks that you may have with dinner is not going to cause long term cases of erectile dysfunction. Long term alcohol abuse will lead to the disorder though. In fact, it is the leading cause of impotence in men.
How alcohol affects the body
It is widely known that alcohol is a depressant, and it depresses the nervous system. This blocks the connection between the brain and the rest of the body. Think about how speech is slurred and motor skills are impaired when alcohol is being consumed. Thus, the signal from the brain to the genitals is also severely impaired.
The nervous system is what makes the blood flow and what makes the blood vessels expand and contract. That expansion leads to erections. The nervous system also registers the touch that gets a penis erect. Without a functional nervous system, the body is unable to function to its full capabilities and is thus unable to create and maintain a satisfactory erection. It even has been known to squash the ability to orgasm altogether.
There are many social and physical levels of the effects of alcohol on the body, and there is no doubt that it affected the sexual life of a man. As a man, how alcohol affects you depends on the amount of alcohol you consume and the frequency of your drinking. According to researchers, some of the effects of alcohol on the body are:
- Increase in sexual aggression
- Reduction in sexual desire
- Problem with getting and maintaining erections
- Infertility
- Delayed ejaculation or difficulty in ejaculating
Short term remedies
A drink or two can help relax a person and lead to a romantic encounter. Though sometimes it happens; that crazy night out and you want to have intercourse with your partner at the end of the night. Short term alcohol consumption doesn’t need to be the end of your evening. Try flushing out the alcohol by drinking some water. A few glasses should do the trick.
Long term alcohol abuse and ED
Too much of anything is a bad thing, and long term alcohol abuse often times leads to permanent impairment to penile nerves, which leads to impotence. Sixty to seventy percent of heavy drinkers suffer from erectile dysfunctions. Hormone levels are also largely affected by alcohol consumption; specifically, testosterone and estrogen. Too little testosterone lowers sex drive and sex functionality. It can also permanently destroy testicular cells.
This leads to shrunken testicles. Sperm count and sperm movement is also impaired with large amounts of alcohol consumption. This obviously also leads to reproductive issues. Long term nerve damage in the penis may result, and this slows the signals between the brain and genitals. Even when sober, long-term abusers will have a difficult time maintaining an erection. If the alcohol abuse is bad enough, not even a prescription medicine can help in achieving erections.
Many alcoholics end up having depression as well, and that alone is seen as a cause of erectile dysfunction. Many depressed people turn to alcohol as a vice. So it isn’t very surprising then that alcoholics suffer from erectile dysfunction as a result of alcohol. It is a serious and vicious cycle.
If large amounts of alcohol consumption are an ongoing issue, the patient must take control of the alcohol abuse as well as the erectile dysfunction in order to fully conquer the issues. Alcoholics Anonymous is a popular way of dealing with alcohol abuse. Speak to your doctor about potential depression issues. Many times an anti-depressant will help with that issue, and not all anti-depressants lead to slower libidos. Working with a medical professional will help you find the correct chemical balance for you.
Herbal remedies such as ginseng and ginkgo biloba are used in Asia to help men with erectile dysfunction. For short term damage, this may be the trick for you. Also, supplements such as zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E, and flaxseed may help improve erectile dysfunction. Before starting any sort of herbal treatment, be sure to speak with your physician.
A homeopathic doctor may be able to aid in erectile dysfunction as well. There are a couple options for those suffering as a result of alcohol consumption. Agnus castus is used among patients that have had healthy sexual activity for years and are suddenly faced with erectile dysfunction. Selenium metallicum is useful for men with strong libidos but who suffer from impotence due to illness or other factors.
Too much alcohol is always an unhealthy thing. It slows down the entire body leading to permanent damage. Most men would prefer to keep their sex drive strong as well as their sex organs. Keeping alcohol consumption to a minimum, and not exceeding two or three drinks a day is key in preventing erectile dysfunction.