For many years, people have wondered why black men are so attracted to white women. While there are black men who are devoted to their black women, there are the black men who only seem to be attracted to white women. Some people believe that there really is not an attraction, but that it is simply a way to get back at the white men for years of racism, but others believe that there is truly something in the numbers of black men who prefer to be with white women.
Mystery and Adventure
There are many possible reasons why black men are so attracted to white women. One might be the fact that the white race is a bit of a mystery. Black men know all about being black and growing up in a black community. They are familiar with everything that goes into being a black man and what black women are all about. So, when the possibility to learn about the white race from a white woman, some men relish in that adventure. Black men may not realize that this is why they are attracted to white women, but man people are attracted to the opposite sex for the adventure and chase.

Opposites Attract
Another possible reason that black men are attracted to white women is because of the saying that opposites attract. What is more opposite to a black man than a white woman? Their skin and hair are so very different and their lifestyles are probably very different, too. Black men and white women have extremely different experiences in their lives and they are both able to learn from each other. Black men and white women are certainly able to bring balance to each other’s lives in more ways than just being opposite genders can bring.
Different Social Behaviors and Beauty Regimens
White women have different attitudes that black women. Because they are raised in different households, they have different social skills and they do not have different beauty regimens. As men are often fascinated with the beauty routines that women do, a black man would certainly find the beauty routine of a white woman much different than that of a black woman; just the care that a white woman’s hair needs is very different than that of a black woman.
Tool for Getting Ahead in Society and Work
Black men might be attracted to white women because they are a way that they can get ahead in society. In today’s society, people who get ahead usually have more connections than those who do not have many connections. In the world of work, white women are usually treated better than everyone with the exception of white men. So, as a black man is trying to get ahead in the world of work, he could do well to marry a white woman. It is quite possible that she will have more connections that will help him move up both professionally and socially.

Prefer Mixed Children
Another reason why a black man would be attracted to a white woman could be that mixed children are quite attractive. Bi-racial children often have a mix of traits from their black and white parents. If a black man does not like black hair, then having a white woman will certainly guarantee that his children will have softer hair. It also will guarantee that his children will have lighter skin, which can help that child get ahead in society.
More Money with a White Woman
Black men are also sometimes attracted to white women simply because white women tend to have more money that black women. Since many white women have good jobs or they have parents who have more money, white women have more money to lavish on their black men. Many white women love to give gifts because that was what their parents did for them, so they often give very nice gifts to their black men, so the men find that very attractive.
Dislike Black Women
Some black men do not black women because they can be so loud and obnoxious. If a black man is more understated and does not want to be around a loud woman, a white woman is a perfect choice. White women tend to be more understated and quiet, especially in social situations. They are raised to be more demure and not so loud. They may have been surrounded by loud black women their whole lives and they simply want a change, which is why white women are preferred.
Some black men do not like being black, so they hide this by choosing to be with white women. They may not really be attracted to white women, but they are so unhappy with their own race and the troubles that it brings that a white woman makes them forget about it for the time they are together.