Erectile dysfunction is not entirely avoidable, but there are steps you can take to avoid developing it. Much of what happens to our bodies as we age have to do with changing body chemistry. This change in body chemistry is not then matched with a change in our behavior and then our body cannot keep up the form we want it to. We have to adjust as we age to reduce our risks of many problems.
Exercise to Keep Testosterone Level Higher
Low testosterone levels play into erectile dysfunction. While your body will produce less testosterone as you age, some of it decreases because you no longer exercise as much as you once did. When you are a child, you exercise without even thinking about it, but as the responsibilities of adulthood take over it can be easy to let your activity level wane. You should step up your exercise level in order to increase testosterone.
Keep Your Weight in Health Limits
Exercise can help with this one too, but keeping your weight down also helps make sure your testosterone is at the right level. The less weight you put on, the more likely you are to keep your sex levels working properly. Staying thin also helps keep you feeling good about sexual contact which helps keep you away from erectile dysfunction from developing.
Eat Right, Balance is Key
Your body is a balance of chemistry, minerals and functions. By eating correctly you allow your body to process food properly and build the strength and proper levels of all the hormones and levels in your body. The more closely you adhere to a balanced diet the more likely you are to keep erectile dysfunction at bay. Your body can not work properly if you are putting bad food into it and it cannot metabolize things properly.
Reduce Stress Levels
Stress is a leading cause of erectile dysfunction. You need to find healthy ways to deal with your stress in order to keep working properly. You need to be able to separate yourself from your outside pains and problems in order to focus on the positive sexual energy. This can mean meditating, having rules about dealing with work at home or even just taking a walk to release your problems of the day.
Stay Inspired, Take the Time
Busy schedules often lead to erectile dysfunction. If you have been married for a long time, you need to take the time to be with one another. You have to reach out and stay inspired. This can mean taking mini weekends away, or planning sex so that you make sure you stay in the habit. Erectile dysfunction can sometimes come from the lack of use and then you expect it to be normal when you finally do. You should work to keep your sex life active so you notice any problem as it develops rather than waiting until it is too late.