How many times have you said to yourself “How will I ever get through this day?” Likely, you don’t want to answer that question because you know the number is quite high. The good thing about this question, as well as the answer which pertains to it, is that you are not alone. Everyone gets stressed – everyone feels the negative effects of stress on their life. There’s no way to avoid it; it is, in the end, a fundamental trait of the human condition. The fact of the matter is that we live a task based existence. In other words, we live a life that is full of mundane tasks which are oriented around things which we don’t enjoy. Hence, we are tested and stretched beyond our limits constantly.
What is Stress?
Just hearing or reading the word stress makes people stressful. It’s an ironic cycle that perpetually gets worse and worse. We fear stress, so we become more stressful, which causes us to loath stress even more, and so on and so forth. Sometimes, it is difficult to break the cycle if it becomes too large. One of the biggest aspects of stress, and what everyone should understand, is that stress is not a thing. It’s a reaction to things. Of course, stress isn’t all bad. There is such thing as good stress and bad stress. Stress can promote wellness as well. The problem people have is finding the fine line, the balancing point, between the offset of good stress and bad stress.

Who Needs Stress Management?
The simple answer to this question is that everyone needs some kind of stress management. Imagine a situation where you go to a dinner party. Generally, what is discussed at these kind of events? Usually people talk about the problems in their lives. They talk about bad health, wayward teens, problems at work, money troubles, difficult bosses and so on and so forth. Due to the consequence of living in the society we live in, everyone needs stress management. If you don’t, well, then you’re not living a normal life.
The ‘Rubber Band Theory’ of Stress:
Many experts have dubbed stress as the ‘Rubber Band Theory’. In essence, this is akin to stretching an elastic band almost to its limits, then letting it relax into its original shape. In this form, you can reuse the rubber band as many times as you’d like. However, if you stretch the band too far, it will break. Now metaphorically transform this to the context of your own life. Everything has a breaking point – even you. If too much stress builds up in your life you will suffer dire consequences.

5 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life:
- Exercise: Without a doubt, one of the best ways to reduce stress in your life is through a regular routine of exercise. Studies have shown that physical activity has numerous physiologic effects, such as the positive effects on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Exercise is vital to the well-being of our minds, bodies and spirits. The biggest benefit of physical activity is not the direct effects, but the enhancement of psychological well-being. Generally, a good physical fitness program to reduce stress will include aerobic exercises, strength training, and stretching.
- Yoga: Experts have been continually finding that yoga is one of the best practices for the body and mind; in other words, it is one of the best ways to reduce stress. Physically, yoga will invigorate and heal the body. Muscles become toned and tightened and the spine is guided into proper alignment. Moreover, the mental aspects of yoga have perhaps the best correlation with stress reduction. Yoga increases body awareness and relieves chronic stress patterns. Yoga will help you counter stressful situations in everyday life as well.
- Sleep: One of the biggest causes of stress is lack of sleep. Simple put, you cannot function at your best if you are tired. Over forty million Americans suffer from chronic sleep disorder. This is a large number of the population. The cycle is vicious – no sleep, less resilience, more stress, less sleep. Here, it is important to know how much sleep your body needs on a nightly basis. The average person needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. However, this can change depending on both your lifestyle and physical makeup. Also, stress may also be reduced from the occasional power nap. Power naps can last up to twenty minutes and are great way to gain an additional boost of energy, as well as alleviate built up stress. It should be noted that too long of a nap can result in a person feeling groggy – and even more stressful.
- Dreaming: Everyone dreams – this is a fact of life. However, not everyone remember their dreams in waking life. Dreams are an important tool in deducing how we sub-consciously feel about our life. This may include how we feel about our relationships, how we feel about our abilities, our family, and even our jobs. They make us ponder spiritual questions and have profound healing power. Therefore, dreams can be used to help people make informed, stress reducing, decisions in their life.
- Meditation: We are more than the sum of our parts. We know that the deliberate departure for the workday world is vital to our ongoing well-being. One of the best ways to do this is through various meditation techniques. This could include meditated breathing, all the way to muscle relaxation.