People who have more money have more financial security (the vast majority of the time) and thus enjoy better sex and sexual health. There is one reason and one reason only: less stress. When people are worried about making ends meet and where their next meals will come from, they are too stressed out to enjoy sex. Those who have a substantial bank account can feel free and let loose so the[...]
Having a family bed can certainly do some damage to a couple’s sex life. If you are like many parents, you might still have children sleeping in the middle of your bed. Because so many parents are exhausted after a long day at work and after taking care of their children, they just want their children to go to sleep, wherever that may be. However, when your children sleep in your bed, it can make [...]
Sex addiction is the obsessive relationship to fantasies, sexual thoughts or different activities engaged in by an individual even with the knowledge of the negative consequences. These thoughts, activities or fantasies occupy the life of the individual, leading to the imbalance in the overall functioning of the person in important areas of life, like marriage and work. Shame, guilt and distress a[...]
Prostate cancer affects many men across America and it is the cancer of the prostate gland which is located near the bladder. If you don’t get treated for prostate cancer early, the cancer could spread to other parts of the body. This is why you should get a prostate examination as you get older. Some medical experts say you should start prostate examinations when you turn 40 while others say you [...]
The importance of foreplay in your marriage has much to do with staying connected with your partner. The longer you are married the easier it is to get caught up in everything happening in the world around you. When you are dating, effort goes into sex and spending time together whereas you can easily begin to take each other for granted. The busier your life is, the easier it is to fall out of th[...]
Erectile dysfunction is the condition when a man cannot maintain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. It is highly common among men and probably the most frequently diagnosed sexual dysfunction. The severity of erectile dysfunction widely varies among patient. Some men lose all ability for any sort of erection while other men can only maintain an erection for a brief period of time. There [...]
Male Anorgasmia is a disorder in men that occurs when there is an ongoing inability to reach orgasm during sexual intercourse. Orgasms are different from ejaculation. Ejaculation is the moment when semen emerges from the penis. An orgasm is a sensation of extreme pleasure that is experienced. Some men with this disorder have never reached orgasm (primary anorgasmia) while some men have reached org[...]
Are you dealing with premature ejaculation and you don’t know how to prevent it from happening? Depending on your age and your health you may suffer from this more so than others. It isn’t impossible to prevent this from happening you just have to know how to do it correctly and not stress about it. Stress may increase the chances of it happening because stress and not taking care of yourself can [...]
All medications have side effects. Erectile dysfunction medication is no exception and there are things about the medication that can be harmful to you or your body chemistry. You need to be under a doctor’s care in order to get the prescription because you need to be able to monitor all your levels in order to make sure the side effects are not causing you harm. Erectile Dysfunction Drugs: The No[...]