Are you dealing with premature ejaculation and you don’t know how to prevent it from happening? Depending on your age and your health you may suffer from this more so than others. It isn’t impossible to prevent this from happening you just have to know how to do it correctly and not stress about it. Stress may increase the chances of it happening because stress and not taking care of yourself can result in sexual dysfunction.
What are the causes of Premature Ejaculation?
Unfortunately, the causes of premature ejaculation aren’t specific. Studies have been done and it’s more often that men of an older age will experience a delay when they are having an orgasm. The following are potential causes:
- New partner
- Not having had sex for a long period of time
- Psychological problems
- Guilt
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Medical Problems
- Hormones
- Injury
- Medication side effects
And many more that aren’t listed.
In certain cases these kinds of problems will resolve themselves all on their own without there being a need for a medical treatment. When it comes to practicing medication or relaxation techniques it’s common that they can work themselves out. IT will allow for a tension distraction and this may help you with the premature ejaculation. There are many instances in which drinking a lot or doing drugs will cause this as well.
Prevention Techniques
If you see a doctor they may recommend that you practice your own techniques. Everyone relaxes differently and it’s possible that you will have to control certain sensations that you have. It’s possible that using a condom is going to reduce the sensation that you feel during sexual intercourse. This could prevent you from ejaculating too early and also if you attempt to change positions this may help you as well.
Try going to behavioral therapy because it could really just have to do with the anxiety that you have. Knowing that you have the problem may increase your chances of continuously experiencing it. Anxiety can do that to anyone – not only when it comes to ejaculating too early.
If you are taking a certain type of medication and it is preventing you from functioning sexually you may consider changing your medication. Oddly enough, there are antidepressants that will actually treat this problem. Of course, you should talk to your doctor about getting on these before you do because there are other side effects. If you’ve heard of Prozac, Paxil or Zoloft you should consider taking them if the problem is bad enough. It could potentially fix the problem because of the effect that it has on the SSRIs. Those will affect the orgasm and it will not give you depression – make sure that you get approval from a physician.
Biological Causes of Premature Ejaculation
There aren’t only psychological factors that play into premature ejaculation. It also has to do with biological factors that could run in your family.
- Rollercoaster Hormone Levels
- Chemical Imbalances
- Issues with thyroid function
- Prostate Inflammation or Inflammation of the urethra
A lot of people wonder whether or not there is anything even wrong with premature ejaculation; in a sense there could be. It’s often embarrassing and frustrating to the man and depending on the relationship it could threaten the happiness of their significant other – but, you shouldn’t come to the conclusion that there isn’t anything that you can do about it. There are plenty of steps that you can take so that you have a happy sex life and it’s really about going to a doctor and discussing with them your health or what types of medication may work best for you.
The condition can be so bad sometimes that the ejaculation actually takes place before the intercourse takes place. This can really damage the guy’s self-confidence and it can be very frustrating for the partner as well. If the woman wants to get pregnant this can also be very difficult, but there are always doctors who are willing to help. All in all, PE can be very irritating and it doesn’t make for a lot of sexual satisfaction.
Believe it or not, a lot of it has to do with mental anxiety, stress or hormonal imbalances that are taking place within the body. If the thyroid isn’t working correctly or if hormones aren’t balanced it is going to affect the release of come during sexual excitement. Too many men get angry because they think that there isn’t anything that they can do about it. That isn’t the case whatsoever. There are so many solutions, medications, relaxation techniques and gels/methods of controlling when you ejaculate. It doesn’t have to be an embarrassing experience every time that a sexual experience is taking place.
Understanding that you can get Help
Cognitive behavior treatment will not only help you with this side of things but with the mental stress that you may be enduring. Too many people in general are unaware of how stress and anxiety affects their body from work and from social situations. It is a problem if it is affecting your health and your everyday life. Sometimes it’s as simple as changing your eating habits, working out more, cutting alcohol or drugs out of your daily lifestyle. You can have a healthy sex life and a healthy relationship with someone that you really care about. It doesn’t have to affect your happiness or your relationship with others because you have the ability to take control of you, your happiness and your life.