To understand premature ejaculation, it is best to clearly define it. Premature ejaculation is when a man does not have voluntary control or the ability to choose, in most encounters, when to ejaculate. However, due to popular culture and easy access pornography, the status quo for sexually pleasing a woman has many men thinking they need to last 20 minutes to half an hour. This unfortunately leaves man men feeling sexually inadequate. The physiological effect can be detrimental to a relationship. Often times, females want to feel deep levels of romance and intimacy. When men are overly concerned about their performance they can become robotic, constantly working on “technique” or “strategy” while failing to pay attention to their partner.
Healthy Practice:
In order to have a healthy sexual relationship, it is important that men are able to last long enough to have a deeply intimate experience with their partner. If you find yourself reaching orgasm before your partner more than 50% of the time, we have a few tips that can help you have more fulfilling sexual encounters. If you do suffer from premature ejaculation, it is important that you have a partner who you are comfortable talking too. It is helpful to work on your ejaculatory control with a partner who has full knowledge of what is going on and who agrees to help, identify and solve the issue.
It is hard to work on PE during a random “1 nighter” since there is so much lust and excitement in the air. Even a man who has very few encounters with PE can tense up and evoke the ejaculatory response too soon.
Relaxation, or more specifically physiological relaxation, is key to PE control. Maintaining a full relation during a sexual encounter keeps the heart rate under control (low), keeps muscles from tensing up and prevents blood flow restriction. A great technique to try is to relax the buttocks a soon as you feel aroused or while involved in the act of sex. Tense butt cheeks are the first sign that the body is too tense. If one area of the body is tense, the mind is tense and the ejaculatory response could be right around the corner.
It is important to maintain a good even breathing pattern to maintain an even heart rate and consistent blood flow. All too often, men get excited and forget to breath. Concentrating on the moment and deep breathing will make sex for you and your partner much better. Plus, when she hears you breathing deeply and really enjoying yourself, she will be much more into the moment. Referring back to the beginning of the article, this will make her feel the intimacy and romance and lead to a quicker orgasm for her.
Ejaculatory Inevitability:
Ejaculatory inevitability is the metaphorical point of no return. It’s the point of inevitability when a man will orgasm. Even if your great aunt walks in, the orgasm will still occur. When it comes to PE control, it is important that men recognize when ejaculatory inevitability is approaching. As the point approaches, if your partner has yet to orgasm, kiss her on the neck or start to passionately make out with her. Move the intense sensation to another part of the body and away from the tip of the penis. Let the pleasure of the moment engulf the whole body. This is known as excitement saturation. Relax and the urge to orgasm will slowly pass.
Men who are most successful at controlling PE, are able to enjoy sex as several waves of intense excitement without reaching a full orgasm. They slowly build toward an ultimate climax that is very powerful and enjoyable.
PE is not about avoiding the feeling and pleasure of sex. A better strategy is to spread the pleasure of sex around the whole body. If you try to think about negative experiences or “saying the alphabet backwards” you are not going to fully enjoy the sexual experience. To nurture their sexual health, men must also experience great sex. Cheating yourself to please your partner is a short term solution and will lead to frustration and a lack of intimacy. Saturating the mind and body with an extreme level of satisfaction will increase the passion in your relationship, make your partner orgasm more often and give men the confidence they need to maintain sexual health and ejaculatory control.